169. The Intermittencies of Lithium

Article type: Letter to the Editor
Article title: The Intermittencies of Lithium

Journal: Journal of SAARC Psychiatric Federation
Year: 2023
Authors: Ana Letícia Fornari Caprara, Ícaro Durante, Jamir Pitton Rissardo
E-mail: jamirrissardo@gmail.com

Lithium does not exist freely in nature; this highly reactive metal occurs predominantly in ionic compounds such as igneous rocks formed from solidified magma. Lithium can also be found in trace quantities in plants, seawater, spa waters, and the human body. Lithium has been used for the treatment of psychiatric disorders since the 19th century and is probably the most cost-effective mood stabilizer. However, since its discovery until today, lithium remains a controversial topic among specialists. This study aimed to briefly review the history of lithium and its use in psychiatric conditions.
Keywords: Lithium; Bipolar Disorder; Mania; Psychiatry; History.

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Fornari Caprara AL, Durante I, Pitton Rissardo J. The intermittencies of lithium. J SAARC Psychiatr Fed 2023;1:94-6.