103. Campanha nacional de combate ao avc e dia mundial do avc em santa maria. [National stroke awareness campaign and world stroke day in santa maria]

Article type: Original Article                                                                                    

Article title: Campanha nacional de combate ao avc e dia mundial do avc em santa maria. [National stroke awareness campaign and world stroke day in santa maria]


Journal: Experiencia

Year: 2019

Authors: Jamir Pitton Rissardo, Ana Letícia Fornari Caprara, Ana Lucia Cervi Prado

E-mail: jamirrissardo@gmail.com



Stroke is the second leading cause of mortality in Brazil.  Knowledge about stroke risk factors and signs among the Brazilian population is essential for a reduction in the high morbidity and mortality due to cerebrovascular diseases in the country. In this way, Stroke Awareness Campaigns in  Santa Maria were organized. In this study, we aimed to report how these campaigns were structured from the years 2010 to  2017. Over eight years: 283 people helped directly in the organization and dissemination of this project; 1886 attended all "AVC  Stations" and received individualized guidelines according to their risk factors profile; 3220 received informational leaflets and general guidelines regarding stroke.

Keywords: Stroke, cerebrum, risk factors


Full text available at:






Rissardo JP, Caprara AL, Prado AL. Campanha nacional de combate ao avc e dia mundial do avc em santa maria. [National stroke awareness campaign and world stroke day in santa maria]. Experiencia 2019;5:2-26