109. Experiência da liga acadêmica de neurociências-ufsm em ensino, pesquisa e extensão. [Experience of the academic league of neurosciences-ufsm in teaching, medical research and health care]

Article type: Original Article                                                                                    

Article title: Experiência da liga acadêmica de neurociências-ufsm em ensino, pesquisa e extensão. [Experience of the academic league of neurosciences-ufsm in teaching, medical research and health care]


Journal: Diálogos em Extensão

Year: 2020

Authors: Jamir Pitton Rissardo, Ana Letícia Fornari Caprara, Martim Tobias Bravo Leite, Ana Lucia Cervi Prado

E-mail: jamirrissardo@gmail.com



Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary science that collaborates with other areas of scientific knowledge. This article is an experience report and aims to report the extension project '' Academic League of Neurosciences of the Federal University of Santa Maria (Neuroliga-UFSM) '', in operation since December 2007. The objectives of Neuroliga are to mobilize and guide students from health courses interested in studying nervous system disorders, and thus, contribute to the training of professionals. In addition to being an instrument of empowerment of local society, enabling the prevention of disease and health promotion. The main extension activities performed are described in chronological order and include stroke awareness campaigns, hospital activities, Neuroscience Journey, Scientific Methodology Course, International Neuroscience Symposium, Integrated Anesthesiology and Neurology Day, Brain Awareness Week, and Journey of Neuropsychiatry. The institutions involved in such actions were UFSM and the University Hospital of Santa Maria. The planning and target audience of each year's actions occurred according to the availability and authorizations provided for each activity and some modifications were made as per the demands.

Keywords: Extension, medical education, health education, neurosciences, research


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Rissardo JP, Caprara AL, Leite MT, Prado AL. Experiência da liga acadêmica de neurociências-ufsm em ensino, pesquisa e extensão. [Experience of the academic league of neurosciences-ufsm in teaching, medical research and health care]. Dialogo Extensao 2020;3:136-51