NeuroTeach 3 - Gait

 The Sound of Footsteps!!!

“it's possible to learn more about neurologic status from watching a patient walk than from any other single procedure”

Russell Nelson DeJong (1907-1990)

Phases of gait
Critical incidents! Stance (60%): (1) heel strike (2) foot flat (3) heel off (4) toe-off Swing (40%): (5) toe clearance (6) heel strike

3) Cerebellar ataxic gait
“Wide based, reeling, careening (drunken sailor)” - inability to walk tandem - step length varies unpredictably - turning may bring out a stagger - acute alcohol intoxication

4) Hemiparetic (spastic hemiparesis) gait
“Involved leg spastic, circumduction, often with foot drop” - pyramidal lesion - sound by toe scraping, & wear of shoe at toe - freq: stroke; arm flex, adduct, intern rotated; leg extend

5) Hemiparetic (spastic hemiparesis) gait
“Involved leg spastic, circumduction, often with foot drop”

6) Scissoring gait
“Stiff legged, scissoring (wooden soldier)” - congenital spastic diplegia and myelopathies - narrow base - steps are short and slow, feet seem to stick to the floor - swaying without true loss of coordination

7) Scissoring gait
“Stiff legged, scissoring (wooden soldier)”

8) Parkinsonian gait
“Small steps, flexed posture, shuffling, festination” - upper extremities are flexed, except fingers extended - decreased arm swing - en-bloc turning - start hesitation

9) Apraxic gait
“loss of the ability to use the legs properly in walking” - frontal lobe disease - disorganized walking skills - shuffling small steps - normal motor and sensory function on couch examination

10) Steppage (equine) gait
“high steppage pattern to clear the toes from the floor, double tap” - foot drop and sensory ataxia - double tap # sound: toe first (foot drop) heel first (sensory)

11) Steppage (equine) gait
“high steppage pattern to clear the toes from the floor, double tap”

12) Myopathic (waddling) gait
“Exaggerated ‘sexy’ hip motion, waddling, lumbar hyperlordosis” - muscular dystrophy - broad base

13) Myopathic (waddling) gait
“Exaggerated ‘sexy’ hip motion, waddling, lumbar hyperlordosis”

14) Trendelenburg’s sign
“abnormal drop of the pelvis on the side of the swing leg due to hip abductor weakness” “pelvic ptosis”

15) Trendelenburg’s gait
“abnormal drop of the pelvis on the side of the swing leg due to hip abductor weakness”

16) Antalgic gait
“an abnormal pattern of walking secondary to pain that ultimately causes a limp, whereby the stance phase is shortened relative to the swing phase”

17) Sensory ataxic gait
“Wide-based, steppage” - post columns or peripheral nerves - “spinal ataxia” - pt is extremely dependent on visual input for coordination (# cerebellar ataxia) - “steppage gait” heel first - ‘Frankenstein’ gait

18) Spastic-ataxic gait
“proportion of each abnormality depends on the particulars of the case” - Ataxic component: cerebellar or sensory

19) Marche à petits pas
“Small steps, slow shuffling” - resembles parkinsonian, but lacks rigidity and bradykinesia - length of steps less than foot’s length - frontal lobes, NPH, multi-infarct dementia

20) Cautious (senile) gait
“velocity slows, steps shorten, and the base widens” - 'healthy person walks on an icy surface' - aging vestibular system, impaired proprioceptive by distal neuropathy in the elderly, and impaired vision

21) Magnetic gait
“inability to lift the feet off the floor” - NPH

22) Magnetic gait
“inability to lift the feet off the floor”

23) Magnetic gait
“inability to lift the feet off the floor”

24) Functional gait
“recognizing positive clinical features of functional gait disorders” - complex - inconsistency - incongruity

25) Astasia
“inability to stand” - functional? - everything normal, except for the inability to stand - freq assoc to abasia