Hoffmann and his Assistant!!!
“upper limb equivalent of the Babinski sign test”
- cervical cord
2) Hoffmann's sign “snaps the nail of the middle finger leads to flexion of the thumb and/or index” discovered by German neurologist Johann Hoffman (1857–1919), but it was described by his assistant Hans Curschmann in 1911
3) Mayer's reflex “forceful passive flexion of the middle finger. Involuntary adduction of the thumb normally follows; absence of the reflex suggests a lesion” discovered by Austrian neuropsychiatry Carl Mayer (1862–1936)
4) Rossolimo's hand sign “reflex hammer, tap the palmar surface of the metacarpophalangeal joint” discovered by Russian neurologist Grigory Ivanovich Rossolimo (1860–1928)
6) Chaddock's wrist sign
9) Vernea's and Botez's reflex
11) Wazir's sign