Babinski and Friends!!!
“Loss of descending pyramidal control of the reflex arc to suppress extensor withdrawal results in the upgoing toes in the plantar reflex known as Babinski's sign”
3) Cornell's sign
4) Chaddock reflex
5) Gonda's sign
6) Gordon's sign
7) Moniz sign
8) Oppenheim sign
9) Schaeffer's sign
10) Silva's sign
11) Stransky sign “abduction and snapping of 5th toe” discovered by Viennese neurologist Erwin Stransky (1877–1962)
12) Strümpell sign
“deep pressure application on the anterior tibia”
discovered by German neurologist Ernst Adolf Gustav Gottfried Strümpell (1853–1925)
13) Throckmorton's reflex
14) Mendel-Bechtrew Sign
15) Rossolimo's sign
16) Brissaud's reflex
“In patients with a missing great toe or complete paralysis of toe extension, the contraction of tensor fascia lata can be observed”
discovered by French pathologist Édouard Brissaud (1852–1909)
17) Szapiro's sign
18) Allen & Clerckley sign
19) Zhukovsky - Kornilov reflex
20) Weingrow phenomenon
21) Viteka reflex
22) Puusepp's sign